The Center for Translation Studies

The Center for Translation Studies regularly brings international writers and translators to campus for interviews, lectures and readings to which the community is invited. The writers and translators also interact with students in workshops and classes, and informally in the Center. The CTS also collaborates with other centers in the University, such as the Center for US-Latin American Initiatives (CUSLAI), the Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies, The Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History (EOIAH), and the Center for Asian Studies to host events. In addition, the Center co-sponsors events with Deep Vellum Publishing and Books and The Wild Detectives bookstore, both in Dallas.

logo for the center for translation studies
The Center for Translation Studies

The Center for Translation Studies regularly brings international writers and translators to campus for interviews, lectures and readings to which the community is invited. The writers and translators also interact with students in workshops and classes, and informally in the Center.

The CTS also collaborates with other centers in the University, such as the Center for US-Latin American Initiatives (CUSLAI), the Ackerman Center for Holocaust StudiesThe Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History (EOIAH), and the Center for Asian Studies to host events. In addition, the Center co-sponsors events with Deep Vellum Publishing and Books and The Wild Detectives bookstore, both in Dallas.

  • Joe Wilson
  • Shelby Vincent
  • Leah Sullivan

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The University of Texas at Dallas