Monday, October 31, 2022
Edith O'Donnell Arts & Technology Building (ATC), First Floor Lobby
Free Eventchina.porsche
Edith O’Donnell Arts & Technology Building
On loan from Trammel S. Crow
china.porsche, is part of the ‘New China’ series of sculptures by artist Ma Jun (2005-2007). The Qing dynasty-style chinaware is handcrafted, mass-produced, and comes in the shape of various ’80s era consumer goods, i.e., TVs, boom boxes, radios, sports cars, Coca-Cola cans, lipstick, and Chanel perfume bottles. A Porsche was suggested by Trammell S. Crow for the series, and china.porsche was commissioned and realized in conjunction with the Crow Collection.
Despite its title, china.porsche is not made of “china.” The body is a fiberglass shell that sits on top of a hand-built wooden armature shaped to look like a Porsche 911. Ma Jun covered the fiberglass with white paint to yield the equivalent of a white porcelain ground and then painted narrative and decorative patterns derived from Qianlong period (1736–1795) ceramics.
china.porsche, Ma Jun (b. 1974), fiberglass; is on loan from Trammell S. Crow and installed in the ATC Lobby of the Edith O’Donnell Arts and Technology building at the University of Texas at Dallas beginning October 1, 2022.
Edith O'Donnell Arts & Technology Building (ATC), First Floor Lobby
800 W. Campbell Road, Richardson, Texas 75080-3021
General Public, Undergraduate Students, Faculty & Staff, Alumni, Prospective Students, Graduate Students, International Students
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