Comet Calendar

Psychology Lecture Series

Title - Changes in Major Life Goal Importance Throughout College

Speaker: Christopher Latteri
Doctoral Student, UT Dallas

The importance placed on major life goals (e.g., broad aspirations for desired roles in life; see Roberts & Robins, 2000) can fluctuate throughout someone’s lifespan. The current research uses data from a 4-year longitudinal study (average n = 388 across 8 waves) to investigate how different categories of major life goals systematically change in their importance during the course of undergraduate education. Goals were measured at each of the 8 waves using a shortened version of the Major Life Goals Scale with a 5-point Likert scale response format. Linear growth models were specified using Multilevel Modeling with Restricted Maximum Likelihood estimation in SPSS, and it was found that the importance of all major life goals significantly decreased over time. These general declines are reminiscent of trends present in previous studies into goal importance (Atherton et al., 2021; Roberts et al., 2004). This trend of an overall decrease in goal importance over time will be discussed in the context of goal selection behaviors across development.

This talk is in-person in JO 4.306.

Light snacks will be provided.

JO 4.306

Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Kat Strus

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  • Esther Perez

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The University of Texas at Dallas