Friday, October 15, 2021 1pm to 2pm
Stream Available
Michael Puthawala
Simons Postdoc
Computational and Applied Mathematics
Rice University
Global Injectivity, Manifold Estimation and Universality of Neural Networks
In this talk we will cover two topics. The first topic is the construction & analysis of globally injective Relu networks. We will present a sharp characterization of layerwise global injectivity for both fully-connected and convolutional neural networks. On the way we will discover that injectivity of random matrices is less likely than you might think, prove that injective layers always have a positive inverse lipschitz constant, and find that globally injective relu networks are universal approximators. The second topic shows that when bijective flows are combined with injective layers to form a network, it is a universal manifold approximator, subject to some important topological and geometric restrictions. We explore these restrictions through the development and use of two new theoretical devices, the embedding gap and the manifold embedding property. Using these two we again present sharp characterization results, and resolve a conjecture concerning the `reverse' optimality of these networks.
FO 2.702
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