“Last Laugh” explores how artists use humor to address the absurdity of everyday life, bring attention to issues of injustice and corruption, and work through personal traumas. Through various mediums these artists shift between leaning into the meaninglessness of existence and searching for meaning amidst the madness.
View the exhibition in 3D on Matterport
The exhibition can be viewed in-person at the SP/N Gallery on the UT Dallas Campus during the event period.
Danielle Avram is an Assistant Professor of Instruction, Contemporary Galleries and Exhibitions, and is the Director of the SP/N Gallery. She has a BA in Art and Performance from UTD (2002) and an MFA in Visual Art from The School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University (2006). Avram has held positions at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the High Museum of Art, Atlanta; The Power Station, Dallas; Southern Methodist University, Dallas, and Texas Woman’s University, Denton.
Persons with disabilities may submit a request for accommodations to participate in this event at UT Dallas' ADA website. You may also call (972) 883-5331 for assistance or send an email to ADACoordinator@utdallas.edu. All requests should be received no later than 10 business days prior to the event.
SP/N Gallery
3020 Stewart Dr, Richardson, TX 75080
Undergraduate Students, Faculty & Staff, Alumni, General Public, Prospective Students, Graduate Students, International Students
UTD strives to create inclusive and accessible events in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require an accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact the event coordinator (listed above) at least 10 business days prior to the event. If you have any additional questions, please email ADACoordinator@utdallas.edu and the AccessAbility Resource Center at accessability@utdallas.edu.