Comet Calendar

Psychology Lecture Series - In-Person and Virtual Event

Title - Effects of Working Memory Training on Cortical Activity Derived From Event-Related Potentials (ERP)

Speaker: Maitreyee Kulkarni
PhD Student, UT Dallas

Efficient working memory (WM) performance involves the dynamic coordination of neural activity on a millisecond time-scale. Enhancement of neural activity following WM training has been observed in frontal-parietal brain regions using functional neuroimaging, and at distinct stages of ongoing information processing, in real-time (msec), using neurophysiological methods such as the event-related potential (ERP) approach. A clearer understanding of WM training-induced neuroplasticity would involve both the identification of the neuroanatomical correlates of activity enhancement, and the timing of the engagement of these brain regions during real-time stimulus processing. However, the correspondence between the timing and spatial localization of neuroplasticity following WM training has not been well-established. To address this, an ERP source localization approach was used to identify the cortical loci of WM-training induced neuroplasticity along both the temporal and spatial dimensions. Healthy participants completed cognitive training either on a visual-letter n-back task, a WM training protocol, or a visual letter search control training protocol. ERP measures were obtained before and after training on a letter 3-back task to evaluate neural changes for both the groups. A source localization algorithm was applied to the scalp-level ERP data to identify the cortical activity associated with WM training at distinct stages of information processing. The research sought to analyze association of WM training related change in cortical activity with behavioral performance on training task and other untrained cognitive tasks.

This talk is in-person in JO 4.306 and also is a virtual event. At 2:30pm on November 15, join the talk on MS Teams.
Conference ID: 275 045 294 954
Passcode: uuPnuY

JO 4.306

Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Lena McGee

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  • Matthew Lin
  • Vi Collins
  • Christopher Short

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The University of Texas at Dallas