Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:30am to 12:45pm
Open Pedagogy: Creating Open Educational Resources with Students
Presented by Dr. Clint Peinhardt
In spring 2022, my students wrote the initial fifteen chapters of a textbook on international political economy. That was the beginning but not the end of my open pedagogy experience, which I will summarize in this presentation. Although I hope to expand to other faculty and classes in the future, my initial workflow revolves around a single undergraduate class and its graduate counterpart. Undergraduate students both use and revise the textbook, while graduate students will focus on peer review and authoring more complex theoretical chapters. As part of the discussion, I will cover choosing a platform, progression of assignments, and FERPA waivers. We will save plenty of time to discuss UTD’s future creating OER, including cross-school collaborations and software licensing needs. If you are at all interested in OER, please join us!
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
McDermott Library, MC 2.404
CTL Conference Room
Please RSVP at https://eforms.utdallas.edu/ctl-feb-14-rsvp
Lunches provided while supplies last
McDermott Library, CTL Conference Room, MC 2.404
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