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Kinetics of Solar Wind Transients

The solar wind, supersonic, weakly magnetized plasma flows, transports energy and momentum from the Sun. Solar wind interaction with planetary magnetospheres is the main driver of their dynamics. It is, therefore, critical to investigate the internal structures of the solar wind for a better understanding and forecasting of such dynamics. The solar wind, however, is not a laminar flow, but filled by intense plasma transients, or the so-called solar wind discontinuities. These transients are thin, kinetic scale boundaries separating different plasma populations in the solar wind. Formation and evolution of such discontinuities significantly contribute to the magnetic field turbulence and plasma heating in the solar wind. This presentation will review main properties of various solar wind discontinuities and highlight results from previous analysis of these discontinuities as observed by multiple NASA missions.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Anton Artemyev obtained a Master’s degree from the Physics Department of Moscow State University in 2008 and a Ph.D. in 2010 at the Space Research Institute (Moscow), Russian Academy of Science. His thesis was on "Stability of thin current sheets and charged particle acceleration". From 2011 to 2013, he worked in the LPC2E/CNRS laboratory in Orleans (France) and joined EPSS/UCLA in 2015. Dr Artemyev’s research focuses on spacecraft data analysis in planetary magnetotails and solar wind, dynamical chaos and destruction of adiabaticity in Hamiltonian systems, and plasma kinetic models. Dr. Artemyev was awarded the Zeldovich Medal in 2014 (COSPAR Scientific Commission D) and James B. Macelwane Medal in 2019 (American Geophysical Union).

Sciences Building (SCI), 1.210
800 W. Campbell Road, Richardson, Texas 75080-3021

Natural Sciences & Mathematics
Fan Zhang

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The University of Texas at Dallas