Exhibition dates: March 23-April 21

While lockers are typically used for storage, they also contain memories, stories, prized possessions, love letters (and break-up notes), trash, clothes, food, and even sometimes: art. The "Locker Exhibition" is a playful intervention in architecture that largely goes unused (it turns out AHT students don't have a need for as many lockers as we have installed in the building), but due to its bright yellow color has become iconic within the building.

The 2023 AHT Pop-up Locker Exhibition draws inspiration from the themes presented in The Girl in His Shadow by Audrey Blake, a book that was circulated on UT Dallas’ library shelf on Libby last summer. The historical fiction piece takes place in the peak of medical innovation, a time of novel surgeries and circumstances, but also a time and field dominated by men. We follow our protagonist, Nora, a passionate student of medicine who is forced to keep hidden in the shadows of her male counterparts to avoid being outcast from society. 

What is it like to live in the shadows? To live in someone’s shadow? Are you in touch with the shadow side to yourself, hidden from the public eye? No one wants to talk about their dark side. Shame and guilt permeate many of our most intimate stories we have written within ourselves. Stories of vulnerability, injustice, victimhood, despair, and subconscious thought float around, obscured from the light, within all of us. A dark side is often conflated for an evil side; when in reality, the most transmutable gold within ourselves we can alchemize can be found in the little crevices we hide within our soul. 

Cast what is dark into the light!

We welcome exploration of the theme of “Shadowlands” through whichever artistic methodology can be condensed into the room inside one of our lockers. The Locker Exhibition features the work of Invited Artists and collected works from previous years alongside locker art created by UTD students. 

This year, UTD students enrolled in HONS 3199 are the guest curators. They are responsible for the theme, this call that you are reading, and for leading a Crit Friday session with all locker art participants on March 24, 2023.

Edith O'Donnell Arts and Technology Building

UTD strives to create inclusive and accessible events in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require an accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact the event coordinator (listed above) at least 10 business days prior to the event. If you have any additional questions, please email ADACoordinator@utdallas.edu and the AccessAbility Resource Center at accessability@utdallas.edu.

  • Darwin Stephens
  • Amoghavarsha Rao Venkata Surya Rangamannar

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The University of Texas at Dallas