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We are excited to offer an amazing faculty-led study abroad program this summer: “Lethal Crimes and Public Policy in the European Union” in Lugano, Switzerland. This is a great opportunity where students earn 6 hours of UTD credit and live in Switzerland from May 28 to July 1, 2022.

Lethal Crimes and Public Policy in the European Union is a 5-week faculty-led program that examines the policy and legal controversies surrounding the application of capital punishment in the United States and the EU and how to communicate these policies. The program will take place at Franklin University in Lugano, Switzerland.  Lugano is located in the Ticino Canton, which is the Italian-speaking region in southern Switzerland.

Students enroll in the following 6 hours of upper-level UTD credit:

COMM 3342: Communication, Public Policy and the European Union

PPOL 4312: Death Penalty, the Law and Public Policy in the EU (cross-listed with CRIM 4396/SOC 4396)

The application deadline is February 15, 2022.

Learn more and Apply.

Lugano, Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland


Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology
John Gooch

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  • Sara Crowe
  • Daniel Salameh
  • Lily George
  • Feryal Saqib

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