Comet Calendar

Friday November 5, 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Teams

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Join UTD staff, students, and a guest scholar as we celebrate Trans Awareness Month by amplifying the voices and experiences of trans students in higher education. 

Matthew Winser-Johns, M.Ed, Assistant Director for LGBT+ Programs will discuss recent updates to the UTD system so students can change their gender marker and name, and why this update is so important for student success and belonging. 

Lex Pulice-Farrow, a transmasculine doctoral student in Counseling Psychology at the University of Tennessee Knoxville, will present on their qualitative research on how to support trans students in higher education. 

UTD students Cal Thompson, Sam Poliarco, and Veeran Shankar will deliver a reading of their creative writing. 

This event is sponsored by the Galerstein Gender Center and the School of Arts and Humanities. 

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Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology
Arts and Performance Office

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The University of Texas at Dallas